After Enamel Painting!

So while putting it back together I opted for a few "home-friendly" mods:
  • Removed top switch (this usually stops grinder when the doser is full but I never grind this much coffee at once)
  • Remove lower switch (usually turns machine on after every 12 doser thwacks, but I prefer to manually turn machine on)
  • I am running it without the hopper, using a tamper to keep the beans from flying out since it doesn't fit under the counter with the huge mazzer major hopper in place.

  • I also put in a medical grade matching orange power cord.

    sooo shiny and fresh looking!

    Here's a Picture of the collar:

    And here is it next to the Expobar Brewtus II:

    Here's a nice before and after:

    -->BACK TO Prep Work