Username: cacastain
Real Name: caca
Gender: Female
Country: United States
Zip: 32937
cacastain was last active on 02/17/2017 03:00:04 PM

cacastain is currently checking out fotchbook for the first time! - updated on 04/21/2013 08:02:41 PM


i love annaldi 34

zzzzzzzzz. I guess I will dream of sugar plums and rainbows. But all of us know thats not how our subconcuis works with our brain and or dreams!

hungry , or not?
feeling full physically , but my tastebuds are still running!

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Random Fotch Fact

A recent study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology showed that facial expressions are innate rather than learned. The study compared sighted and blind individuals and found that they used the same facial muscles to respond to specific emotional stimuli. This suggests that the ability to regulate emotional expressions is not learned through observation.

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